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Kisi-Kisi UAS CISM Semester 7 Tahun 2013
Categories: Kuliah

The aim of this course is to learn about the advanced concepts of information systems and technology in the business, computer systems, enterprise systems, managerial support systems and integration systems. The students are studying those concepts using information systems and technology that integrate application for identification the problems. In addition, the student know to identify and analysis, how to implement and manage information systems and technology and able to solve the problems effectively. The predecessor courses are Introduction to basic systems concept and tools, Management Information Systems, Management Support Systems, Information and Business Process and the successor course is Enterprise Architecture. Each Course in the study program contributes to the graduate competencies that are divided into employability and entrepreneurial skills and study program specific outcomes, in which student need to have demonstrated by the time they complete their course.
BINUS University employsbility and entrepreneurial skills consist of planning and organizing, problem solving and decision making, self management, team work, communication, and initiative and enterprise.

Pelajari outline kisi-kisi UAS Corporate Information System Management:
– Menjelaskan pencarian fakta berdasarkan studi kasus
– Memecahkan keputusan studi kasus

Unduh kisi-kisi sederhana ini

Essay (50%, @10%)
1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan SDLC?
2. Sebutkan tahapan pengembangan sistem dengan pendekatan SDLC dan uraikan secara ringkas keluaran dari setiap tahapan tersebut?
3. Pada proses perubahan sistem baru dikenal adanya 4 jenis konversi sistem, jelaskan secara ringkas keempat konversi tersebut!
4. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan Chargeback System? Jelaskan
5. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan Intellectual Property Right? Jelaskan

Case (50%, @10%)
1-5. Tentang mobile EDC BTPN

SDLC Steps

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